Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bed Time Stories and More

Tonight mommy read me The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss.  Of course we have read it several times before but I love it.  She also bought me a stuffed animal of him.  He is pretty cool and he likes to go to bed with me.  After mommy finishes the book we had a little converstaion.
Will -" Mommy I love you"
Mommy- "I love you to"
Will-" In the morning the sun go down?"
Mommy-"No in the morning the sun will come up and the moon will go down."
Will-"The sun come up?"
Will-"Let me check" (as I look out the window)
Will-"Uh oh Anna is outside"
Mommy-" She is probably just going potty"
Will-" Yep the moon is til (still) up."
Will-" Mommy we can't catch the moon."
Mommy-" No we probably can't catch the moon."
Will-" No we can't catch it it is too high in the ky (sky)
Mommy-"After this song I'm going to my bed"
Will-" No  just one more song mommy"
Mommy gives in -"ok one more song"
Will-"Dr. Seuss is looking at you mommy."
Mommy-"Night Night See you in the morning."
Will-" Piss (Kiss) mommy .

It is amazing how much I talk and what I am thining all the time.  Sometimes mommy has to hold in her laughes.

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